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Heel Pain

What is a heel pain?

A common foot condition. It’s usually felt as an intense pain when using the affected heel. It usually builds up gradually and gets worse over time.

The pain is often severe and occurs when you place weight on your heel. Some people may limp or develop an abnormal walking style as they try to avoid placing weight on the affected heel.

People who run or jog regularly, and older adults who are 40-60 years of age, are the two main groups affected by heel pain.

When is time to see podiatrist Dr. Leonard Knudson for an ankle sprain?

Seeing a professional will help you get answers for a sprained ankle that does not seem to improve over time. There are different types of ankle sprains that range from minor to more severe, such as:

  • Grade 1: Ankle is often sore and slightly swollen.
  • Grade 2: Usually a partial ligament tear. There may also be bleeding under the skin, which creates bruising.
  • Grade 3: Full tear within the ligament.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. J. Leonard Knudson – a Culver City Foot Doctor if you are experiencing weakness, bruising, and prolonged pain from your ankle sprain.

Dr. J. Leonard Knudson is a Foot and Ankle Surgeon located in Culver City and near West Los Angeles will be grading your heel pain based on the damage that is present.

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